Freedom in Fashion

In today's society, physical appearance is easily the first impression you make on someone else, so does that mean we're defined by what we wear? It’s almost impossible to see someone for the first time and not have a fleeting moment of judgment based on what you see. Whether it's what you're wearing, how you did your hair, what color your nails are, etc., your image is how someone perceives you. A first impression is impossible for someone to forget, so before you even get a chance to speak, someone is going to have an opinion of you.

Fashion has always been a way to express yourself, whether it's rebelling against your parents, religiously based, or trying to fit in. Overtime, fashion has shown a broad overview of our culture, but it has never been talked about as rapidly as technology allows it today- bloggers now have unlimited access to anything fashion. Before it was such a media frenzy, people used fashion to express their emotions.

Feeling great one day? Accessorize with bright colors and a happy persona.  Wake up and realize it's Monday again? Feel free to rock head to toe black! The idea of expressing yourself through fashion hasn't changed, it's just talked about so widely now that people forget what fashion is all about.

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