Tuesday, October 22, 2013

WANELO: Want. Need. Love.

Online shopping is one of my most addicting habits.  Hours of “study time” have been put off thanks to my favorite app, WANELO.  It’s free and simple to use with a bunch of neat features that allow you to find just about anything you think you might need.  There’s a constant “trending” news feed, with options to either buy or save your favorite products.  Holidays are coming up, so it’s a great place to either make your own wish list or find gifts for all of your loved ones. 

Homemade Halloween Costumes

How is Halloween already just a week away? For those of you who like to get festive but don’t want to spend seventy-five bucks on an outfit you’ll only wear for a few hours, I’ve came up with a few costumes you can put together yourself. 


Photo Cred: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/388505905324737742/

Minnie Mouse:  High-waisted skirts and skater dresses are all the rage this year, so scour the racks for something red.  You can use a stencil and white fabric paint to make white polka dots.  Pair your outfit with white gloves and big round ears to create the finishing touch.


Cave Woman:  This was actually one of my costumes last year, which I put together for about fifteen dollars.  I went to JoAnn’s craft store to find some leopard print fabric, which I cut into two large triangle strips and tied them around myself like a tube top and skirt.  The more distressed the better, so I cut and ripped the edges to look worn.  I found some cool wooden beads that I made necklaces and bracelets out of, and to top it off, a  big chunky “club” out of my back yard.

Photo Cred: http://www.family.go.com
Tiger:  Hobby Lobby will be your one stop shop for transforming yourself into a frisky feline.  Find an orange t-shirt and some black or orange shorts.  Use black fabric paint to draw your stripes, and don’t forget to paint on your whiskers (you can use eyeliner if you don‘t want to buy face paint).  Pair it with some orange ears and you’re good to go.

Recent Discovery!

 Photo Cred: http://www.commercialobserver.com

About a week ago, I was on a mission to find some red skinny jeans.  As I walked into the Oak Park Mall, I headed straight to Forever 21.  Much to my surprise, there was a brand new H&M right below it.  Both stores are very similar, with an endless amount of trendy clothes for the cheapest prices, but H&M takes the cake.  They’re a little more organized, as any shopper would know, Forever 21 can be a bit overwhelming.  Lucky for me, their color coded sections led me right to the perfect pair of red pants.  For those of you looking for cute winter wear, I suggest taking a trip to Oak Park.  H&M has tons of sweaters for less than thirty bucks, which is a steal compared to any department store.