Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mix and Match: 3 Simple Rules

With a little practice and some confidence, anyone can mix and match the right patterns.  If it doesn't come as naturally to you, I've put together 3 simple rules to make it easier.

1.Coordinate one color- select different shades

To create a subtle look, while still being creative, select hues of at least one main color. It’s visually stimulating without being "too much."

2. Vary the size- keep one pattern smaller than the other to create a distinct difference.

One way to make sure that you don't look like you got dressed in the dark is to choose patterns that complement each other- stripes and floral always mesh well, as well as strips with leopard or polka dots.

3. Accessorize- add a pop of color from smaller details to pull the outfit together.

A colored belt between two different pieces works really well to separate patterns, or colored shoes or a neutral purse pop against different mixtures.


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